Holistic, Relational, with Program Standards
"Prepare the kids for the path, not the path for the kids"

Coach the why

-Grow the whole person

-Holistic and athlete centered, person and player

-Balance between support and challenge

Don’t be a play station coach, trying to control the every move of your players. Let the kids learn by giving them the freedom to be creative and fail. 

-We want players who fail at a young age, who aren’t afraid to experiment and try new things. Don’t over control young guys. 

-Kids are given constraints, environments where failing is ok, forced to adapt and try new things. 

Kids need to be involved in a fun, competitive, growth culture 

-70% of kids quit sports by age 13

-The only way kids will stick with something long enough to be good is if they have a passion, a passion starts with the right culture of fun and competition. 

Want to emphasize competition, learning, improving and fun over mere results

Taking  a Long Term Athletic Approach

Long term development over short term goals of winning games

Build slowly, build intentionally 

Kids need to learn the correct habits and habits that foster long term growth

10,000 hours or 8-12 years of regular practice to reach elite levels

Relationships and high standards